Welcome to the Gworms homepage...
...coming soon ...when it's done! ;-)

for all those you want's to know what is gworms is going to be:
actually its going to be a great game based on worms where you can fight
with your favorite mascot of your operating system against others.
you can select a lot of different weapons out of a big arsenal. ;-)
we're include zooming functions and maybe one day a multiplayer mode

information around the project:
all stuff is done with c++ and the clanlib library .
actually there is no downloadable tar-ball around, but you can look into the cvs.
if you want to do that you will actually need the gfx packages and unzip it into your
src/ directory. you can download it from here: data.tar.gz

but notice that we are quite far away from a playable game right now!
follow this link to get to the project-page on sourceforge:

(c) 2003/2004 by Roland Lezuo and Juergen Repolusk under GPL Licence
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